About Me

Hi! My name is Summer. I live in an apartment with my husband and our cat, Buddy. After my husband and I moved in together, I discovered how much I love being in the kitchen. Nothing makes me happier than seeing the faces of my loved ones light up when I serve them a delicious meal. It’s like a little gift I can present to them every day. I find it so therapeutic being in the kitchen. I can zone out while chopping onions or zesting a lemon, have reality TV on in the background, and transform basic ingredients into something delicious.

Just don’t look at the mess of pots and pans behind me.

And no, I have no idea how whipped cream got on the carpet.

Anyway, my love of cooking inspired me to create this blog. So whether your want to peruse some of the recipes I have on here or look at my adorable cat, I hope you stick around and find some inspiration!

I’ve got some A’s to your Q’s!

Why is your blog called Summer Morning?

I want this blog to feel comforting and cozy, a positive space for learning and community. Summer Morning indicates the type of recipes you’ll find on this blog: food that can be enjoyed in the morning and for breakfast (or lunch, or dinner, or dessert, or mid-day snack, or appetizer…you get the idea 😊). My hope is that this blog reminds someone of a summer morning: full of light, warmth, hope, and potential. Because, when I’m cooking and baking in my kitchen, it always feels like summer (cheesy, I know!).

How did you learn to cook?

I am mostly self-taught. I love reading cook books and watching cooking shows. But so much of my cooking and baking abilities stem from the most important women in my life: my mother and my grandmother. They both love being in the kitchen and make the most delicious meals and pastries, so their passion for food was inevitably passed down to me.

What kinds of recipes am I going to find?

While I love cooking, I REALLY love baking. So you’ll probably find recipes for a lot of baked goods. Breakfast is my favorite meal of the day, so there’s going to be some breakfast recipes sprinkled in here as well.

Why are there so many pictures of your cat?

Because I’m obsessed with him! We call him Little Mister, Buddy Boo, Muffin…you get the idea. He’s our baby.